
Transmedical is a website I am in the process of both designing and programming for transgender patients to find medical procedures in their area that will best help them meet their transition goals based on their individual needs. As someone who has been interested in the impact of disability on individuals since I was a teen, I understand and have personally experienced the desperate need our society has to be better for everyone, medical facilities not being an exception. Whether it be the lack of wheelchair accessibilty or the overwhelming sensory input in the building itself, medical procedures can be very difficult for many of our peers. For some, the cost of a procedure or their insurance not being accepted is a major barrier, especially for those relying on disability benefits. With finding any procedures or specialists for transgender people already being complex, finding a procedure or specialist for transgender people who need better support is nearly impossible to find.

Transmedical is a website that will help everyone who may be in any situation like these, or just someone who is looking for a better way to find the procedures they are looking for without having to search multiple resources for the answer. Medical care, and care specializing in transgender patients, should be accessible to everyone; I want to be a first step for all of us to make this goal a reality.

Currently, this website is in its starting stages. I am still in the process of the design of the website itself, as I want the website to be as accessible as I can, as well as the programming. This website will have many complex functions, such as a questionaire that will help the user narrow down their options by sorting out the options they don't want. This website will also have lots of basic information, such as what a specific procedure is and what they can expect the recovery to be like. I expect this project to be in progress for the foreseeable future, as I intend to work on this project for well over 100 hours.